The seven Aliyahs of Ki Tisa
top right – Moses is told to take a census and each Hebrew is to donate a half shekel for the creation of the Mishkan and the coins flamed. Kohen rituals of washing hands and feet from the bronze laver constructed by the 13-year-old Bezalel who was imbued with wisdom.
top left – While Hashem’s finger wrote the commandments on the tablet made of sapphire, below, the golden calf is being worshipped and the letters on the tablets began to disappear.
top center – Moses argues with Hashem to not abandon the stiff-necked people.
bottom right – Moses asks to “see” Hashem who says one can’t survive that, but Hashem does pass behind Moses who he puts in the cleft of a rock.
bottom left – Moses now writes the second tablets
bottom center – As the enemies of the Hebrews are defeated, their false gods are destroyed and sacrifices of the first born animals are made and we are told to continually celebrate Sukkot, Pesach and Shevuot
center center – Moses’ face glowed as he brought down the second tablets.