The seven Aliyahs of Vayetzei
top right – Escaping from the anger of his brother Esau, Jacob rests with stones the colors of the Kabbalah Sephirot at his head and Hashem communicates to him promising to be with him now and for his descendants and he dreams of a ladder connected heaven and earth with angels ascending and descending.
top left – Jacob has removed a heavy rock that covers a well and he recognizes the shepherdess Rachel and approaches her with a kiss and tears knowing that in the future she will die before him. Love and loss.
top center – Their father the corrupt Laban tricks Jacob so that he first is married to the elder daughter Leah who bares him four boys – Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah – and Rachel has Jacob be intimate with her handmaiden Bilhah to have a child connected to her. Zilpah, Leah’s handmaiden will do the same. The boy in light blue is Dan born of Bilhah. From these four women come the twelve tribes of Israel.
bottom right – Reuben finds a mandrake that is good for conception, and Rachel asks Leah to let her use it so she can conceive which she will.
bottom left – Laban up at the top has been cheating Jacob’s wages, so Jacob makes a deal that only the future striped, spotted, streaked herd will be his, and he puts up these poles that attract the animals and they produce progeny with the patterns – some magic here, hence the angel.
bottom center – Jacob leaves Laban with his wives and children and Laban comes after him accusing him among other things of stealing his idols. Rachel, not to Jacob’s knowledge, has indeed taken these false god images, and she hides them.
center center – Jacob makes a pack with Laban blessed by the angel who has warned Laban not to pursue hurting Jacob and his mishpocha.