This haftorah from Jeremiah curses those who abandon Hashem and whose hearts depart from truth. Their misguided actions shall be written with a diamond pointed iron pen on their very hearts. Their cities shall decay unless they depart from worthless idols. We all shall know Hashem’s mighty hand kindled with a fire. Those who depart from Hashem shall be like the barren juniper tree in the desert in the lower left of the drawing. But for those who trust in Hashem, they shall be like the productive tree whose roots stretch to the beneficial waters. We need to beware the diversions of the heart. So misled, we become like the partridge who sits on eggs that are not its eggs. No benefit from the distraction. But a glorious high throne awaits us in the sanctuary and connecting to Hashem is like the fountains of living water. And though this drawing doesn’t say it, the words of Jeremiah conclude : “Heal me Hashem and I shall be healed. Save me, and I shall be saved. For you are my praise.”