In this Haftorah David gathers the people and the ark is taken from the home of Abinadab accompanied by musicians. But when the oxen stumble Uzzah wanting to stop the possible falling ark reaches out to touch it and is struck dead. A challenging moment here. Someone who wants to do good dies. Should he not have made the effort? Is the ark so holy that the instruction of never to touch it reflects poorly on our trust in Hashem that what is holy takes care of itself? David too was shocked by this death and stopped the movement, having the ark put in another home for the next three months. And then with the kohanim carrying it, the ark is brought to the tabernacle with David, accompanied by shofar blowing. HE dances in celebration He feeds the people with bread and flasks of wine while Mihal, Saul’s daughter and David’s wife, looks down disapproving of David’s behavior. We are all dancing on the edge where sometimes our movements are an honoring of Being and other times a self-centered diversion from connection. In reading more about Uzzah and the ark, I learned that it was carried on the shoulders – and those who carried it sometimes were carried above the ground – hence the foot shadows.