Chukat (“This is the decree of the Torah”)

Numbers 19:1 – 22:1

The people complained of the lack of water and Moses was instructed by Hashem to go to a rock at from which if he touched it water would flow.  But those around him scoffed at this, which so angered Moses that he struck the rock with his staff.  Instead of water, blood flowed.  Moses then smote the rock a second time and water began to flow.  This rock traveled with the people and was Miriam’s rock from which waters had emerged in 12 channels to each tribe.  But now Miriam was dead.  Moses’ anger brought about a punishment, which was that he would never enter the promised land.  The rays emanating from Moses’ head were part of his connection with the infinite that started with his 40 days on Mt. Sinai.  On the ground are serpents and scorpions and wolf which attacked the doubters.

Above Moses is a red cow.  There are a number of laws in Torah that the rabbis say are intentionally beyond human understanding.  They represent one’s faith beyond logic.  The “para aduma” – the red heifer – is one of them where the ashes of which were to be used as part of a purification from touching the dead.  Some interpret this as an atonement for the Golden Calf.